On Oct 27, 2009, at 5:39 PM, Phil Meyer wrote:

>> Oh, it goes back out and re-reads the tags from the file using
>> Audio::Scan. :)  Doesn't make sense to store that all in the  
>> database.
> Ah, I see.  Will this show what source it will get artwork from too  
> (song tag, folder.jpg or cover.jpg, etc).  When navigating to track  
> info page, that causes it to read changed tags into database too,  
> doesn't it?

No and no, it only shows the raw tags.

> I'm waiting for the fix to Bug 14913 (Scanner can't calculate  
> bitrate for surround-sound) before updating and restarting - what  
> branch was that change made to, and when will it get merged to 7.5/ 
> trunk?
> Then I can try out the new changes to song info.

Probably going to wait another day or so to see if other fixes need to  
be made before I push a new version out.
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