Version: 7.5.0 - r29204 @ Mon Nov 9 02:03:30 PST 2009
Operating system: Windows XP - EN - cp1252
Platform Architecture: 586
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt

To add one or two new tracks, I used to be able to just browse to them
by viewing them in Music Folder.  These would get added to the database,
although the album art wasn't incorporated until a full rescan (fair

However this no longer seems to work.  I can view and even play them in
Music Folder but they are no longer added to the database as soon as I
view them.

Is this a consequence of the new code that detects changes to the
library, making what I'm trying to do obsolete, or is this unintended

Thank you.

Mark Lanctot

Current: SB2, Transporter, Boom (PQP3 - late beta, PQP1 - early beta),
SBC (early beta), Squeezebox Radio (PB1 - early beta), Squeezebox Touch
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Sold: SB3, Duet
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