>Most of us want flexible browsing instead of new options, so we don't
>have to argue about that.

>Unfortunately this have never been a priority
>for Logitech and I haven't seen any indication that it's about to
Very true.

>I don't want to add ALBUMARTIST tags to my normal albums.
Me neither.  I don't have it on 99% of my albums; it's superfluous - 

>I do have it
>on most since I've tagged most of my music with musicbrainz, but I
>think people that haven't tagged their music with musicbrainz probably
>only have an ARTIST tag for a normal album.
I think actually most normal users don't care.  They don't look at tags to know 
whether they have an album artist tag or not.  As long as they can rip an album 
and find it easily in the UI to play it, they are happy.

I think that people that post about it are advanced users who care to a higher 
level of detail how their library is presented/ordered.  Perhaps due to the 
size of their music collection, etc.

I would hazard a guess that actually quite a lot of users will find new albums 
from New Music, use Search, or play random music.

>As Jim indicates earlier in the thread, I completely agree that it
>would be preferred to have multiple browse menus that made it possible
>to browse music by main artists or browse music by all artists.
Yes, multiple menus that are ready to accessible are nice.  I have this via 
Custom Browse - I can list artists that only have normal albums,  I have a 
compilations menu, I have an All Artists menu.  I have loads of others.  And I 
achieve all of this without having added an Album Artist tag to every album; 
because SBS scanner works it out automatically for me.

>To me, it makes more sense to separate:
>- Main artists
>- All artists
>Instead of the current solution where we separate:
>- Artists on normal albums
>- Artists on compilation albums
The information is already there: get a distinct list of artists from the 
contributors table, or distinct set of album artists from the set of albums 
(stored in album.contributor).

>Logitech has always preferred consistency between the different user
>interfaces in front of optimizing each interface for the devices used
>to view it.
My understanding is that may become even more the case if the "onebrowser" 
branch gets merged into trunk and into a release, to unify UI's.
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