erland;624076 Wrote: 
> Isn't this like giving up ?
> If the bugs can't be resolved I agree, then it has to be possible to
> turn off, but we should at least give Logitech the chance to fix the
> bugs before we ask them to implement a user unfriendly workaround.
What's unfriendly about maintaining a current feature?  What's
unfriendly about giving users choice?  I mean, nobody's asking that
auto scan be defaulted to off...just that we maintain the ability to
disable it.

For years, rescan (scan for new) failed to detect tagging changes in
embedded cuesheets.  Screw something up and the only way you could get
rid of the spurious records was by a complete wipe and scan.  This may
still be the case.  I gave up hoping that embedded cuesheets would be
fully supported years ago.  Andy did a lot of work to raise this format
to 1st class citizen status in 7.6 and I'm happier with SBS 7.6 now than
I've been with any previous version.  But I still rip, tag and check
twice, three times, four times before I run a scan for new.

There are other instances where bugs have been documented, again for
years, with fully functioning patches submitted by users.  Yet the
patches are never applied, the bugs never addressed and no explanation
is forthcoming from the developers.

So please forgive us if we're wary of the idea of giving "Logitech the
chance to fix the bugs".  Many of us are scared that, while Logitech
may fix bugs that pertain to the majority of users, bugs that affect
minority users have the potential to leave us high and dry for months
(or years) at a time.  This fear has been born out of personal

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