On Apr 17, 2011, at 5:43 AM, Johan S wrote:

> With the two or three latest nightlies I have experienced a problem with
> my favourites.
> Entries for radio stations and single songs work fine. But complete
> albums added to the favourite list don't. When selecting an album in
> the favourite list I get the following error message in the server.log
> file:
> [11-04-17 11:32:29.1814] Slim::Control::Request::execute (1892) Error:
> While trying to run function coderef
> [Slim::Control::Commands::playlistXitemCommand]: [Can't call method
> "can" without a package or object reference at
> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.12.1/Slim/Music/Info.pm line 1128.

Can you paste the favorite URL you're trying to play?

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