> I just installed today's 7.7 r33373 build in my test server and noticed
> that the Image Browser icon that was under Extras is gone. The server
> log has the following message: [11-09-09 09:09:14.4281]
> Slim::Utils::PluginManager::load (341) Warning: Couldn't call
> Slim::Plugin::ImageBrowser::Plugin->initPlugin: Not an ARRAY reference
> at C:/PROGRA~1/SQUEEZ~1/server/Slim/Plugin/ImageBrowser/Plugin.pm line
> 89.

I'm sorry I missed the nightly build timeline. That should be fixed by now  
(I'm at r33381). I've triggered a new build, which should be available in  
a few minutes.

As a bonus you'll get slideshow mode when selecting an image on eg. Touch,  
instead of a single image only.

> Also, I read somewhere that by the end of this week some fixes to the
> DLNA UPnP component of LMS were going to be incorporated from another
> branch. Did this merge happened? I'm still unable to browse the LMS
> server content using my DLNA UPnP clients.

Nope, this is still outsanding.


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