Ron Olsen;659441 Wrote: 
> This is very unfortunate and does not bode well for a solid SBS 7.7.0
> release.
> Looks as if Logitech management has not learned the lessons from the
> 7.6.0 debacle.
> Software products should be released when they are ready, not to meet
> an external timetable.
> This is really sad...
While I completely agree with you I'm also convinced Andy and Michael
already is doing their best to make sure their management is aware of
the need for internal QA resources.

I suggest that we instead focus on the stuff we can do to help, let's
give RC2 a test run already now to make sure Logitech is aware of any
critical problem affection our music setup as soon as possible. The
sooner they get to know the problems the bigger chance the corrections
will make it into the release.


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