Mnyb;665933 Wrote: 
> it is puzzling the squeezebox integration is not mentioned at all I 
> fail understand to how this comes togehter ? Where exactly is LMS in
> all this, an improved revue ok , but conect it to any of the seasoned
> dlna server and yuo will be better of ?

The deal between Google and Logitech is only about the Revue... I think
Logitech played it smart by integrating the SBS into LMS.. This way the
Squeezeboxes get exposure with folks that already own or are buying a
Revue (A streamed media client like the SB) when they download LMS.
Believe me, not too many people know about LMS outside these forum
walls. I think this is a good think... more investment to improve LMS
due to increase demand (complains) also means more money to improve the
Squeezebox ecosystem.

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