I am using L.M.S. version 7.7.1. on a Windows Home Server.  I do not
keep the the server running for 24/7, simply because, it's a fanless
setup and the casing runs warm all the time and very warm in the
I have found that 7.7.0 and 7.7.1 have a possible problem; after a
rescan of music, for either a change in the music files or an addition
of new music.
Having completed the rescan, which is very quick, the L.M.S. continues
to run normally.  However, if the W.H.S. is shut down or has to have a
re-start, the L.M.S. will not restart on bootup, even though no changes
have been made to the L.M.S. settings.  At the worst, I have had to
carry out a full re-install of L.M.S., at the best I have had to do two
restarts of the W.H.S., the first being changing the automatically start
on boot up to "don't restart automatically" and the second restart with
a return to "start automatically..." That can sometimes return the
L.M.S. to it's original settings.
There is no error log, because the L.M.S. just does not start.
I have a music library of over 30,000 tracks and the rescan of music is
normally very quick. Any changes made are for additional music or
house-keeping of the installed music.
This problem has only occurred since the change to L.M.S. I assumed it
was a problem with my W.H.S. setup, but it may well be a bug as it's
similar to what is described in this thread.
I don't find it annoying, it's almost predicatable now. I keep a fresh
install of L.M.S. on my home computer, so that I can re-install
quickly.  I don't normally lose any third party plug-ins or other

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