OK, kind-of fixed the modules.conf issue, by adding yet another symbolic

sudo ln -s /etc/squeezeboxserver/modules.conf /usr/libexec/modules.conf

However, I am now getting errors relating to module versions (I think):

[kk@mserver libexec]$ ./squeezeboxserver
The following CPAN modules were found but cannot work with Logitech
Media Server:
CGI::Cookie (loaded <not found>, need 1.17)
DBIx::Class (loaded <not found>, need 0.08112)

To fix this problem you have several options:
1. Install the latest version of the module(s) using CPAN: sudo cpan
2. Update the module's package using apt-get, yum, etc.
3. Run the .tar.gz version of Logitech Media Server which includes all
required CPAN modules.

Can't locate object method "easy_closure_global_cleanup" via package
"Log::Log4perl" at /usr/local/share/perl5/Log/Log4perl/Logger.pm line
END failed--call queue aborted at ./squeezeboxserver line 141.

Looks to me like the last option might be simplest (I may be wrong there
however) but where is the .tar.gz version?

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