mherger wrote: 
> > I don't know. The "regular" BMF is undocumented.
> You mean as it comes "encapsulated" as part of the music menu item?

It comes encapsulated as "browselibrary items 0 100 menu:browselibrary
item_id:x.y.z" commands.
First of all, there is no documentation for the "browselibrary" command
but more importantly, it could be anything from a folder to an album to
a genre, it's completely opaque and only the server knows what to make
out of this.

Compared to that using "musicfolder 0 100 folder_id:x.y" I do know what
I am asking for and there is documentation for what it returns.

Now the problem is that on some systems, playing the same folder with

"playlistcontrol cmd:load folder_id:x.y.z"

Does result in stuttering playback (it keeps stuttering, it's not just
slow at startup but on these systems it will stay unstable even when
playing for half an hour or so) or even no playback at all while

"browselibrary playlist play item_id:x.y.z"

works just fine.
But whatever "browselibrary playlist play item_id:x.y.z" does is
completely opaque and I also can't use the "browselibrary" structure to
e.g. show artwork because I never know what a returned item is.
It's undocumented and useless as a command, it can only be used to
retrieve another menu level with the same logic, all logic is hidden
somewhere in the server code.

> I added two lines to give the streaming a bit more air to breathe while
> the BMF code is running. Until now it could have easily starved the 
> streaming while it was looping through all the items in the list. Could
> you try to reproduce this issue with 7.8 or older, then give it another
> try with 7.9?

I'll give it a try but the problem with playback I was mentioning was
independent of browsing. You could completely shut down the controller
App and not browse anything, it would still stutter or break off. Must
be something with the current playlist handling or some lookup during
playback itself.

> Tracks with cue sheets? This has been mentioned elsewhere. Could you 
> please find as much information as you can so we better understand what
> is not working correctly?

It was newly found tracks, no cue sheets but mp3s AFAIK but I'll ask
I suspect the database integrity was somehow not in order because the
user never did rescans. But when he opens a folder with newly added
music, the new tracks show up but when he plays the folder they don't
play, only the ones that had already been there before. Even when
playing the newly added track through the context menu it didn't play.

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