BJW wrote: 
> I have to say I find this thread very, very frustrating.  It should be a
> no brainer for everyone to agree that at the very least, we need two
> lists regarding artists.  One would be for "all artists," while the
> other would be for "album artists" exclusively.

These discussion always go off on a tangent, making things seem much
more complicated than they really are. It's little wonder that
developers have thrown up their hands in the past.

> It is also equally clear to me that a separate home > comp view is
> called for, b/c comps can have an album artist tag, and b/c this would
> simplify things under the hood with the db as described by Phil.  There
> is no reason why a simple link to home > comps couldn't be included in
> all the same places VA links exist now.

No reason, but traditionally there seems to be huge resistance to adding
main menu items. I just don't think there's a big call for a Browse
Compilations. If you tag a compilation with an album artist, you would
expect to find that album under that artist. Why are compilations such a
special case that you need to have a direct link to all of them in your
library? They typically have nothing in common apart from being
comprised of a mix of artists.

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