As far as I can see an album is returned if it contains a song that has
a keyword on it or an artists that has a keyword on it. Is this correct?

Yes, that's correct.

It might not always be immediately obvious since at least in some cases
the keyword then doesn't appear in the description of the album, you
have to open it.


Is this the expected behavior?

Yes, it's expected, as the presentation has not changed over the old search. I was wondering whether there should be a display of some of the context of the hits, similar to what search engines do. But that would require a bit more work, might break existin clients, and would certainly slow down the search. The current implementation tries to work on the index only, without requiring the db to read the raw data itself (which is expected to be much slower).

OTOH this is probably what you want when adding criteria like bitrate or
file format since if you want to find the flac version of an album you
do want the album again, not just the tracks...

There certainly can be some more tweaking to the weighting of the results as well as the filtering itself. Eg. the use of "key*" is a bit simplistic and rough when you only have a single character (eg. "a*") or some very common term ("the*"). In my tests with 100k tracks I would eg. get about 90k hits for these two examples... Some more logic might try to deal with such keywords, as there are only few words with such high hit rate, and access to that data is pretty cheap.


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