LMS with Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.40 (sqlite 3.7.17) has run rock
solid since I installed it, numerous "New & Changed" scans and a couple
of "Clear & Rescan" to pick up tag changes.
JackOfAll has now built a version with SQLite 3.8.6
so I gave that a go. 

Same procedure, only difference is that 1 album has been added and all
preceeding tests were done at my Sydney house when I was there, this one
is done on the same hardware but by logging in via VPN, so I couldn't
physically disconnect power but could power the box off and restart via

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 - 0.48.20141121git1416556849 @ Fri
21 Nov 09:17:11 GMT 2014
Hostname: micro_vbox
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
Operating system: Red Hat - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: i686-linux
Perl Version: 5.18.4 - i386-linux-thread-multi
Audio::Scan: 0.95
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.44 (sqlite 3.8.6)
Total Players Recognized: 3

Discovering files/directories: /storage/music/flac   (162129 of 162129) 
Complete  00:00:56 
Scanning new music files: /storage/music/flac   (147361 of 147361)  
Complete  00:52:55 
Discovering playlists: /storage/music/flac/playlist   (16 of 16)  
Complete  00:00:00 
Scanning new playlists: /storage/music/flac/playlist   (15 of 15)  
Complete  00:00:01

MusicIP Import   (147361 of 147361)   Complete  04:42:15

Album cover lookup   (9 of 9)   Complete  00:00:09 
Artist picture lookup   (3090 of 3090)   Complete  00:05:45 
Building full text index   (7 of 7)   Complete  00:09:35 
Pre-caching Artwork   (11216 of 11216)   Complete  00:03:36 
Database Optimize   (2 of 2)   Complete  00:01:32

The server has finished scanning your media library.
Total Time: 05:56:44 (Saturday, November 22, 2014 / 3:56 AM)

Big difference when doing the Music IP import, other scan tasks getting
a bit quicker.

I will try a clear & rescan without deleting the cache and report

A camel is a racehorse designed by a committee.
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