I love "Don't stop the Music"! Unfortunately, it stopped working
sometime in the last days (LastMix local only).

[21-07-07 16:16:31.4340] Slim::Networking::Async::connect (114) Failed
to connect to nav.dl.sourceforge.net:443, because
Net::HTTP: connect: timeout

You might be using outdated SSL support. What IO::Socket::SSL Version would Settings/Information report?

[21-07-07 16:16:31.4345] Slim::Networking::Repositories::__ANON__ (148)
Failed to fetch
Connect timed out: Connection timed out
[21-07-07 16:16:31.4480] Slim::Networking::Repositories::__ANON__ (148)
Failed to fetch
Timed out waiting for data
[21-07-07 16:16:31.4483] Slim::Networking::Repositories::__ANON__ (151)
https lookup failed - trying plain text http instead:

Yeah, that all smells like https trouble. Time to look into a Pi based LMS solution?...
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