mherger wrote: 
> > I'm not sure of a clean way to do this. But you could shut down LMS, 
> delete artwork.db, restart and run an incremental rescan? 

I tried this this afternoon - no effect :(

mherger wrote: 
> Worst case you try another full scan. Only takes 30h, you said?...

Yes. problem is, for security reasons I don't have my server running
over night so I have to break and restart it three times (means 3 days
no music).
So I may step back to a backup before the last initial scan - this was
fine but it had some "undeleted" files produced by the "new and changed"
scan over the months. I will report in another thread, this is IMHO the
"real problem", the initial scan was my way to find a "quick"
When I started with LMS more than 10 years ago, it was no problem to
have an initial scan every week or so, lasting a few hours. But my
library grew (as I guess it did for the most who does NOT want to rely
on streaming services) so it is not an option anymore... :(

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