philchillbill wrote: 
> Not commenting on the sanity/desirability of the requirement to do so,
> but if you need to add a single line of text to hundreds of files then a
> 3-line script in e.g bash/Perl/Python will do it in a jiffy. No need to
> do it by hand.
Not quite.  All the cuesheets are embedded in the flacs.  The script
would have to extract all the cuesheets from 6,670 flac files via
metaflac, presumably -- and that would involve extracting ALL the
VORBIS_COMMENT tags, and then determining which VORBIS_COMMENT is the
embedded cuesheet, then scanning those extracted cuesheets for album
PERFORMER tags != to track PERFORMER tags, adding the REM COMPILATION 1
line to the extracted cuesheets, and finally re-embedding the

Yes, doable in a script, but not as trivial as you suggest.

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