1. Faith in the Oneness of Allah

There is nothing worthy of worship except Allah, the Creator and Sustainer
of the universe. He gave mankind a code of life that guarantees their
well-being in this world and in the hereafter.

2. Cooperation

Human beings cannot live independent of each other. They have to live
together and cooperate for maximizing welfare and warding off evils.

3. Not materialistic

A member of the Islamic society is not an ‘economic man’ but one with the
goal of earning the pleasure of Allah through right action and service to
his fellow human beings. Good intentions and right action thrive when they
receive a positive response from others. Ultimately, competition in good
deeds results in benefits to all concerned.

4. Generosity

Generosity and benevolence must prevail in the society. People should prefer
others’ needs to their own needs. On the other hand, lust for money, and
miserliness is condemned in all cases. Luxurious living should be avoided.
The best policy is that of the middle ay.

5. State’s role

In the society, there must not be monopoly, exploitation, fraud or ususious
transactions. Good should be enjoined and evil should be forbidden. The
state has an active role to play in economic life. It should intervene if
freedom is abused or people are not fulfilling their obligations.

With Best regards

- Mohd Kamran Ansari

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