Monkey Management

Imagine one day that you are walking down the hallway at your organization, and 
a subordinate approaches you with a problem about one of his subordinates. "I 
cannot believe how Jane is acting toward our customers. She is curt, unfriendly 
and sometimes downright difficult. I have told her several times that her 
behavior is just not acceptable, but it doesn't seem to help. Can you visit 
with her and see if she takes it better from you?"

As a manager, you have a number of choices. Which is the right choice for you, 
for the supervisor, and for Jane?

In a classic article in the Harvard Business 
Review<> in 1974, authors 
William Oncken, Jr., and Donald L. Wass offer a theoretical framework for 
seeing this situation in its true light and making the right decision. In the 
article "Who's Got the Monkey?" the authors tell the tale of an overburdened 
manager who allows his employees to delegate upward. When a manager takes an 
unsolved problem from his subordinates, he is allowing a figurative monkey to 
leap from the employee's back to his back. When a manager has too many monkeys, 
he is increasing his own load, failing to develop his subordinates, and 
probably not solving the problems effectively in the final analysis.

Oncken and Wass offer a well defined basic law for managing monkeys. It is:

At no time while I am helping you will your problem become my problem. The 
instant your problem becomes mine, you will no longer have a problem. I cannot 
help someone who hasn't got a problem. You may ask my help at any appointed 
time, and we will make a joint determination of what the next move will be and 
who will make it.

Refusing to accept problems that subordinates try to 
upward, and instead giving them opportunities to meet with you to "feed the 
monkey" is the best choice for both the monkey and for its keeper. The employee 
who is closest to the problem usually has the knowledge and skill to solve the 
problem, if empowered to do so. Consultations 
<> with the manager will serve to 
broaden perspective and offer new ways of seeing the problem. And as the 
employee feeds and eventually solves the problem, he or she learns important 
skills that make them more valuable to the organization and to the managers.

In addition to the law of monkey management, the authors list six rules of 
managing monkeys that are instructive to managers. These include:

1. Monkeys should be fed or shot. No one likes the consequences of a starving 
monkey. They tend to be very disagreeable and squeal and raise a ruckus. 
Monkeys must be fed periodically; in this analogy, the problem must be dealt 
with between the manager and the employee with the problem on a regular basis. 
If the monkey can be shot (the problem solved quickly), then feeding times are 
not necessary.

2. Every monkey should have an assigned next feeding time and a degree of 
initiative. After a feeding session, the manager should select an appropriate 
time for the next feeding and should have a number of action steps for the 
employee to take. "Can we meet next Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. to see how things are 
going and what we should do next?"

3. The monkey population should be kept below the maximum number that the 
manager has time to feed. The authors suggest that it should take 15 minutes to 
feed a monkey, and that managers should keep the list of problems that are in 
various stages of solution at a manageable number.

4. Monkeys should fed by appointment only. Allowing employees to bring problems 
to you on their timetable increases the chances that the monkey will move from 
the employee to the manager. By setting specific times for addressing the 
problem, managers empower employees to make interim decisions about the 
problem, and still report back.

5. Monkey feeding appointments may be rescheduled but never indefinitely 
postponed. Either party, the manager or the subordinate, may reschedule a 
feeding appointment for any reason, but it must be scheduled to a specific time 
to avoid losing track of the monkey.

6. Monkeys shall be fed face to face or by telephone, but not in writing. 
Holding feeding sessions via e-mail or memo transfers the monkey to the 
manager. An employee can pass the monkey to the manager by simply requesting a 
response. Feedings that take place in person or on the phone require the monkey 
to remain with the employee unless the supervisor takes an affirmative step to 
take it.

Proper delegation skills<>, properly 
applied as suggested in this creative approach, can help managers better solve 
problems and develop their employees' problem solving skills. Visualizing each 
problem as a monkey that is impatient and noisy can help managers see problems 
as they really are and address them in the best possible way. Beware of the 
monkeys that may come into your life today!

As a professional keynote speaker, workshop/seminar facilitator and 
organizational consultant, Wayne Parker<> has 
worked with hundreds of individuals and organizations to grow, change and 
succeed. Wayne's background includes 20 years of experience in training, 
administration and management. He has trained hundreds of people in the areas 
of sexual harassment prevention, time management, life/work balance issues and 
customer service. He is also recognized for his experience and skills in the 
areas of leading change, vision development, leadership development, strategic 
planning and goal setting, human resource development and team building.

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