The 3 Strategies How to Deal with Failure

So you want to be successful in your life? Do you know that you will need to
face a lot of failures before you can actually achieve what you want in your

To be successful is not an easy task. In fact, the more successful you are
today, the more failure you will have come across with. This is because in
your journey to success, you MUST come across failure. It is the failure
that brings you to success. It is not likely that you are going to achieve
what you want in the first attempt, maybe not in the first few times too.

If you think about Thomas Edison, you will know what it takes to be
successful. Thomas Edison, failed more than 10,000 times just to find out
the right material for light emission. What about you? How many times can
you afford to fail? Colonel Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken
(KFC), get rejected for selling his recipe more than 1,000 times before he
finally gets a ‘yes’.

So you see, success is about dealing with failures. Without failure in your
journey, you will not learn and improve, and you will not find the right way
to success. However, the question now is how are you going to deal with
failure? I know that you need to turn failure into success, but how can you
do that?

Basically, there are 3 ways you can deal with failure:

1. Give Up and Forget Your Dreams

2. Try Harder, Take More Action

3. Treat Failure As Feedback, and Change The Strategies

1. Give Up and Forget Your Dreams

Yes, this is the easiest route and which most people will choose when they
come across any failure. I hope that you are not in this category. You must
accept the truth that you need to fail, at least a few times before you
finally achieve what you want. (Many people give excuses even before they
start! Read this post, Top 10 Excuses People Often Give, to make sure that
you are not making any of them)

The moment you did not achieve the result you want, don’t give up. Once you
give up, you are going to waste all of your energy that you have previously
put in. For example, if you are trying to build an online business, you
spend thousands into building a perfect website, and thought that a website
is something that can make you money. Then you are wrong. Without visitors
visiting website, nobody will know that your website exist. Hence, you got
no sales.

So if you give up here, then you will lose all the money that you have spent
into building that website. Furthermore, you are going to waste up your time
that you spent in it too! Therefore you see, the moment you give up, you are
going to waste a lot of your money and energy. The truth is that you are
already half way to success, you ALREADY HAVE your website running, all you
need now is visitors! But you give up, and lose everything.

What a sad decision to make if you give up here. Thus, no matter in what
business, no matter what goals you are pursuing right now, DON’T GIVE UP.
Tell yourself that you are not going to give up no matter what.

2. Try Harder, Take More Action

Great, now you have decided not to give up. What most people will do is that
if they are not giving up, they will try harder, again, with the very same
strategy. So, is this group of people going to achieve what they want in
their life?

Hardly, because they are trying harder WITH THE SAME STRATEGY! They will
tell themselves, “Well, it is because I’m not hard working enough”, “It is
because I did not take enough action”. So what they do is that they try
again, try harder, put more time into taking action. However, they did not
realize that they are using the same approach!

How can you achieve something when you know that by using the same old
strategy, you are going to get back the same old results? Ridiculous! But
this is what most people will do. They never thought of that it is because
of the strategies that they are using, they thought that it is because they
are not hard working enough.

Think about it, you know that 1 + 1 = 2, but 2 is not the result you want,
you want the result to be 3. So how can you achieve this? CHANGE YOUR
STRATEGY, make it 1 + 2 or 2 + 1. Unless you change your strategy, you will
never get the results you want. This is a common sense right? You are trying
to make 1 + 1 = 3! This is not possible. So be clear with this.

Ask yourself whether you are doing it right. If you are using the RIGHT
STRATEGIES, you can make it BIG. Even with a small fruit stall business,
with the right strategies, you can make millions! Yes, you can be a
millionaire by selling fruits! Don’t believe? Read this, Are You Using The
Right Strategies? to find out.

3. Treat Failure As Feedback, and Change The Strategies

I bet you know the right way of dealing with failure right now. The first
step to deal with failure, is to treat it as feedback. Don’t treat failure
as something bad. Instead, treat it as a feedback, which tells you where you
have gone wrong and why you did not get the result you desire.

The moment you treat failure as a feedback, you will find that it is just
like a test given by god. A test of your commitment to achieve what you
want. The god is telling you that the strategy you are using is not right,
you have to change your strategy of doing things, and that is why god send
you a feedback!

Everything happens for a reason. If you receive failure, it is because the
way you do things are not right, it is time for you to change it. Einstein
define crazy as “Doing the same thing over and over again, and hope to get
different results“. So I hope that you are not ‘crazy’ in dealing with

Change your strategies, and you will definitely achieve different results.
Don’t give up and don’t do the same thing over again. You have to use
different approach. You know that it is impossible to become a millionaire
by just having a job with a constant salary of $2,000 a month. You MUST DO
SOMETHING different to become a millionaire. For instance, you can start a
business, whether online or off-line. Or you can start your investment in
stock or real-estate.

This is how by changing the strategies you are using, you will achieve the
results you wanted the most. It is actually possible for you to try again
and again and again until you achieve what you want. The question is, how
many times can you afford to fail? Are you willing to fail 1,000 times
before you achieve your goals just like Colonel Sanders? Or you are willing
to fail 10,000 times just to find out the right strategies like Thomas

Find out you can achieve whatever you want, 4 Steps to Achieve Anything You
Want in Your Life.

 I bet that you want instant success and if possible, avoid as many failures
as possible, right? So you must do things differently, work smart instead of
working hard. Change your strategies the moment you face any failure. (Ops,
it is feedback, not failure, remember!)

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