Subject: FW: Narendra Modi's awesome answer to a silly question !!
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 14:09:17 +0530


 Narendra Modi's awesome answer to a silly question intended to "trap" 
him.....Is there a place for Muslims in India? 


Question: When you see the future of India do you see a India that is purely 
hindu or do you see a place for 'Muslims' in India ?

Narendra Modi's reply:

"This question is a problem faced by people who do not have a proper 
understanding of what Hindu or Hindutva means and never grasp it. Hinduism 
always says (quoting Sankrit hymn) 'ekam sat vipra bahudha vadanti' which means 
the Truth is one but there are many paths to understand and get to it. Hinduism 
is the only religion that says that 'God is one' and never says that the Muslim 
god is different, Christian god is different or Sikh god is different.A Hindu 
does not believe in the absolutism of his own god. He says each god is suitable 
and made for His believer. If you are a body builder than you can follow god 
Hanuman (monkey god known for his physical strength). Hence what a Muslim 
believes in is his own business and if he wants to pursue his god that way then 
he is more than welcome. 

Israel has an official book in which they say that they have been persecuted in 
every part of the world especially in Germany. It further says that if there is 
a land where Jews were welcome and never persecuted in its history, than its 
India where Jews have lived for centuries. (Note: This is true; when Israel's 
very first parliament formed after its formation the very first resolution they 
passed was to thank India). 

Similarly when the Parsis (Zorastrian fire worshippers) arrived in India in 7th 
century (Note: They were driven out of Persia by invading Muslim armies) they 
arrived in the coast of Gujarat in India and they were welcomed by the local 
Hindu King. They informed the King that they had brought their God (sacred 
fire) with them and wish to build a temple, but requested of him that no 
non-Persian should be within a 50 km radius of their fire God. The Hindu King 
answered that that will not be a problem even though the request was was 
against the Hindu practice of not excluding any of his own people from any 
house of worship. He not only settled them but built them a fire temple and 
honored their request by barring locals from going near that temple. So this 
kind of belief system is only prevalent in India where due to the Hindu 
religion we welcome all other faiths. 

Other faiths follow a 'holier than thou' philosophy which says that my god is 
the only truth and other beliefs and faiths are beneath mine. That philosophy 
has lead to human conflicts and in extremity lead to terrorism and violence. 
Its only a Hindu who incorporates all faiths within his belief and in fact 
tells followers of other faiths to follow their own faith honestly as the Hindu 
does not feel threatened by it as he considers it to be all part of the same 

So this question only shows a lack of understanding of the culture and kind of 
tradition and heritage we come from."

The questioner was silent.....  -- Best Regards 


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