Commit: c654c7425fc5c3d3726535df94aff42c79519f2e
Author: Omar Emara
Date:   Wed Apr 13 17:22:01 2022 +0200
Branches: temp-viewport-compositor-compiler

Viewport Compositor: Do eager evaluation (Part 1)


M       source/blender/draw/engines/compositor/
M       source/blender/viewport_compositor/CMakeLists.txt
A       source/blender/viewport_compositor/VPC_compile_state.hh
D       source/blender/viewport_compositor/VPC_compiler.hh
M       source/blender/viewport_compositor/VPC_domain.hh
M       source/blender/viewport_compositor/VPC_evaluator.hh
A       source/blender/viewport_compositor/VPC_input_descriptor.hh
M       source/blender/viewport_compositor/VPC_operation.hh
M       source/blender/viewport_compositor/VPC_utilities.hh
A       source/blender/viewport_compositor/intern/
D       source/blender/viewport_compositor/intern/
M       source/blender/viewport_compositor/intern/
M       source/blender/viewport_compositor/intern/
M       source/blender/viewport_compositor/intern/
M       source/blender/viewport_compositor/intern/
M       source/blender/viewport_compositor/intern/
M       source/blender/viewport_compositor/intern/
M       source/blender/viewport_compositor/intern/
M       source/blender/viewport_compositor/intern/


diff --git a/source/blender/draw/engines/compositor/ 
index c1b568547c1..13fc8dc0f64 100644
--- a/source/blender/draw/engines/compositor/
+++ b/source/blender/draw/engines/compositor/
@@ -79,8 +79,7 @@ static void draw()
   DRWTexturePool texture_pool;
   DRWContext context(texture_pool);
   const Scene *scene = get_context_scene();
-  Evaluator evaluator(context, scene->nodetree);
-  evaluator.compile();
+  Evaluator evaluator(context, *scene->nodetree);
diff --git a/source/blender/viewport_compositor/CMakeLists.txt 
index bf0e141720f..b8d6ab01a19 100644
--- a/source/blender/viewport_compositor/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/blender/viewport_compositor/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ set(INC
-  intern/
+  intern/
@@ -34,13 +34,14 @@ set(SRC
-  VPC_compiler.hh
+  VPC_compile_state.hh
+  VPC_input_descriptor.hh
diff --git a/source/blender/viewport_compositor/VPC_compile_state.hh 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..952fdbd4bbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/blender/viewport_compositor/VPC_compile_state.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ * Copyright 2022 Blender Foundation. All rights reserved. */
+#pragma once
+#include "BLI_map.hh"
+#include "NOD_derived_node_tree.hh"
+#include "VPC_domain.hh"
+#include "VPC_gpu_material_operation.hh"
+#include "VPC_node_operation.hh"
+namespace blender::viewport_compositor {
+using namespace nodes::derived_node_tree_types;
+ * Compile State
+ *
+ * This is a utility class used to track the state of compilation when 
compiling the node tree. In
+ * particular, it tracks two important pieces of information, each of which is 
described in one of
+ * the following sections.
+ *
+ * First, it stores a mapping between all nodes and the operations they were 
compiled into. The
+ * mapping are stored independently depending on the type of the operation in 
the node_operations_
+ * and gpu_material_operations_ maps. So those two maps are mutually 
exclusive. The compiler should
+ * call the map_node_to_node_operation and map_node_to_gpu_material_operation 
methods to populate
+ * those maps as soon as it compiles a node into an operation. Those maps are 
used to retrieve the
+ * results of outputs linked to the inputs of operations. See the 
+ * method for more details. For the node tree shown below, nodes 1, 2, and 6 
are mapped to their
+ * compiled operations in the node_operation_ map. While nodes 3 and 4 are 
both mapped to the first
+ * GPU material operation, and node 5 is mapped to the second GPU material 
operation in the
+ * gpu_material_operations_ map.
+ *
+ *
+ *                             GPU Material 1                     GPU Material 
+ *                   +-----------------------------------+     
+ * .------------.    |  .------------.  .------------.   |     |  
.------------.  |  .------------.
+ * |   Node 1   |    |  |   Node 3   |  |   Node 4   |   |     |  |   Node 5   
|  |  |   Node 6   |
+ * |            |----|--|            |--|            |---|-----|--|            
|--|--|            |
+ * |            |  .-|--|            |  |            |   |  .--|--|            
|  |  |            |
+ * '------------'  | |  '------------'  '------------'   |  |  |  
'------------'  |  '------------'
+ *                 | +-----------------------------------+  |  
+ * .------------.  |                                        |
+ * |   Node 2   |  |                                        |
+ * |            |--'----------------------------------------'
+ * |            |
+ * '------------'
+ *
+ * Second, it stores the GPU material compile group as well as its domain. One 
should first go over
+ * the discussion in VPC_evaluator.hh for a high level description of the 
mechanism of the compile
+ * group. The one important detail in this class is the 
+ * method, which implements the criteria of whether the compile group should 
be compiled taking the
+ * node currently being processed as an argument. Those criteria are described 
as follows. If the
+ * compile group is empty as is the case when processing nodes 1, 2, and 3, 
then it plainly
+ * shouldn't be compiled. If the given node is not a GPU material node, then 
it can't be added to
+ * the compile group and the group is considered complete and should be 
compiled, as is the case
+ * when processing node 6. If the computed domain of the given node is not 
compatible with the
+ * domain of the compiled group, then it can't be added to the group and the 
group is considered
+ * complete and should be compiled, as is the case when processing node 5, 
more on this in the next
+ * section. Otherwise, the given node is compatible with the compile group and 
can be added to it,
+ * so the group shouldn't be compiled just yet, as is the case when processing 
node 4.
+ *
+ * Special attention should be given to the aforementioned domain 
compatibility criterion. One
+ * should first go over the discussion in VPC_domain.hh for more information 
on domains. When a
+ * compile group gets eventually compiled to a GPU material operation, that 
operation will have a
+ * certain operation domain, and any node that gets added to the compile group 
should itself have a
+ * computed node domain that is compatible with that operation domain, 
otherwise, had the node been
+ * compiled into its own operation separately, the result would have been be 
different. For
+ * instance, consider the above node tree where node 1 outputs a 100x100 
result, node 2 outputs a
+ * 50x50 result, the first input in node 3 has the highest domain priority, 
and the second input in
+ * node 5 has the highest domain priority. In this case, GPU Material 1 will 
output a 100x100
+ * result, and GPU Material 2 will output a 50x50 result, because that's the 
computed operation
+ * domain for each of them. So node 6 will get a 50x50 result. Now consider 
the same node tree, but
+ * where all three nodes 3, 4, and 5 were compiled into a single GPU material 
operation as shown
+ * the node tree below. In that case, GPU Material 1 will output a 100x100 
result, because that's
+ * its computed operation domain. So node 6 will get a 100x100 result. As can 
be seen, the final
+ * result is different even though the node tree is the same. That's why the 
compiler can decide to
+ * compile the compile group early even though further nodes can still be 
technically added to it.
+ *
+ *                                      GPU Material 1
+ *                   +------------------------------------------------------+
+ * .------------.    |  .------------.  .------------.      .------------.  |  
+ * |   Node 1   |    |  |   Node 3   |  |   Node 4   |      |   Node 5   |  |  
|   Node 6   |
+ * |            |----|--|            |--|            |------|            
|--|--|            |
+ * |            |  .-|--|            |  |            |  .---|            |  |  
|            |
+ * '------------'  | |  '------------'  '------------'  |   '------------'  |  
+ *                 | +----------------------------------|-------------------+
+ * .------------.  |                                    |
+ * |   Node 2   |  |                                    |
+ * |            |--'------------------------------------'
+ * |            |
+ * '------------'
+ *
+ * To check for the domain compatibility between the compile group and the 
node being processed,
+ * the domain of the compile group is assumed to be the domain of the first 
node whose computed
+ * domain is not an identity domain. Identity domains corresponds to single 
value results, so those
+ * are always compatible with any domain. The domain of the compile group is 
computed and set in
+ * the add_node_to_gpu_material_compile_group method. WHen processing a node, 
the computed domain
+ * of node is compared to compile group domain in the 
+ * method, noting that identity domains are always compatible. Node domains 
are computed in the
+ * compute_gpu_material_node_domain method, which is analogous to 
Operation::compute_domain for
+ * nodes that are not yet compiled. */
+class CompileState {
+ private:
+  /* A contiguous subset of the node execution schedule that contains the 
group of nodes that will
+   * be compiled together into a GPU Material Operation. See the discussion in 
VPC_evaluator.hh for
+   * more information. */
+  SubSchedule gpu_material_compile_group_;
+  /* The domain of the GPU material compile group. */
+  Domain gpu_material_compile_group_domain_ = Domain::identity();
+  /* Those two maps associate each node with the operation it was compiled 
into. Each node is
+   * either compiled into a node operation and added to node_operations, or 
compiled into a GPU
+   * material operation and added to gpu_material_operations. Those maps are 
used to retrieve the
+   * results of outputs linked to the inputs of operations. See the 
+   * method for more information. */
+  Map<DNode, NodeOperation *> node_operations_;
+  Map<DNode, GPUMaterialOperation *> gpu_material_operations_;
+ public:
+  /* Add the given node to the GPU material compile group. And if the domain 
of the GPU material
+   * compile group is not yet determined or was determined to be an identity 
domain, update it to
+   * the computed domain for the give node. */
+  void add_node_to_gpu_material_compile_group(D

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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