On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 10:21 AM, joe <joe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I dunno.  What's wrong with just asking people to pop into IRC and bug
> people every couple of hours until someone who knows shows up? :)
> This seems too over-structured to work.  Getting people to show up for
> the premeeting will be a pain.  Personally, I'd prefer people felt
> comfortable asking questions in IRC anytime, or emailing the mailing
> list.  With this, people may get the impression they should only ask
> their questions in the once-a-month new-developers meeting.
> Perhaps it'd be better to have a mailing list dedicated to asking
> questions about the code?
> Joe

This brings up a point that was chatted about on #blender. It would
seem that not every blender user knows that #blender exists, how to
use it, or the format of communication there.

It was said that it would be really good if the blender.org web site
and really all other blender web sites had a major area to tell people
that this is a good place to come for instant help and that you must
wait for at least an hour to get your answer before giving up. And
that #blender is a great place for newbies to get great instant help.

A happy user base brings in more people and this leads to more beta
testers and more devs.

Douglas E Knapp

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