While this isnt what I had in mind I don't see why not - C/Python
modules would only need to get width, height char and float buffer
(pointers) and they can do their own thing.
Now you mention this it could also be used to write out images to
formats blender doesnt support which could be useful for some
rendering engines.

On this topic, I was thinking that since these modules wont be linked
with blender that we wont be able to make use of blenders utility
functions - memarena, ghash, linked lists etc...

So Id suggest these modules use C++ with STL, since blender uses
PyC-API/C++/STL for the game engine - this makes doing things like
importing some fileformat and that needs to be resizing a vector array
of verts a lot easier then in plane C and avoids everyone
writing/depending on external utility libs.

Since each module will be standalone its really up to the author to
choose C or C++.

On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 4:20 AM, Roger Wickes <rogerwic...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Campbell, I was trying to do some image processing in Python, where I wanted 
> to move chunks of an image around, but it was so slow working at the pixel 
> level, copying each one individually, and I longed for a block memory move 
> for array type info such as pixels. Do you think these modules will help with 
> that?
>  ----------------
> Sent by Roger Wickes for intended recipient. If you are not the intended 
> recipient, please delete this message and contact Mr. Wickes immediately.
> ________________________________
> From: Ton Roosendaal <t...@blender.org>
> To: bf-committers@blender.org
> Sent: Sun, January 3, 2010 11:37:57 AM
> Subject: [Bf-committers] Meeting minutes, sunday january 3, 2010
> Hi all,
> Gathered quick notes from today's irc session:
> 1) Current projects
> - Jorg has totally recoded his sound system, so it uses float samples
> for all Readers. Added as examples a linear resampler, envelope,
> lowpass, highpass and butterworth Reader.
> His commit might break stuff, but he'll be around the next days to fix
> urgent issues.
> - Campbell proposes to add a module in our Python collection to
> speedup import and export (like functions to move arrays of data
> around). He'll probably do this in a few weeks max. This will solve
> slow and sometimes instable issues with importing large files.
> - Martin mentions progress in his netrender script, should be
> production ready now!
> http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/User:Theeth/netrender
> 2) Blender 2.5
> - Due to the holidays things were slow a bit the past weeks (apart
> from 100s of commits from Campbell!), Matt & Brecht & Ton will still
> have to sit down together on the 2.5 beta 1 targets.
> - Ton scheduled a two week vacation, a quiet internet-free place on an
> island. With a laptop and some nice 2.5 code goodies! He'll skip the
> next two meetings.
> Wish you all very happy and productive year!
> -Ton-
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation  ...@blender.org    www.blender.org
> Blender Institute   Entrepotdok 57A  1018AD Amsterdam   The Netherlands
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- Campbell
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