The stackoverflow answer seem to confirm there are some dependencies and
performance issues with GLOB.

I'm interested to hear what the 'official' recommendation is by the cmake

2010/1/11 José Ignacio <>

> On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 1:17 PM, Erwin Coumans <>
> wrote:
> > The is no problem using GLOB with a wildcard, as I mentioned at least
> > times in this thread ;)
> >
> > But explicitly listing each file seems recommended, I forgot why.
> > Perhaps GLOB needs to search for (potential) new headerfiles, every
> > time you build and a .cpp changed (slowing down things unnecesarily)?
> >
> > Perhaps reading the docs, using google or asking on the cmake
> > mailingslist will tell why GLOB can better be avoided in CMakeLists.txt?
> >
> IIRC, if you use globbing and added a new file after you build for the
> first time, it won't take it into account for the next call of "make"
> unless you touch the CMakeLists.txt file or clear the cache and
> rebuild. (though maybe that behavior changed on newer versions of
> cmake)
> oh, a google search gave me this link:
> > Cheers,
> > Erwin
> >
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