Hi Matt,

> > * color conversion could be done a lot more efficient and correctly
> >   if done directly on input data. (read: YUV!)
> On the other hand, I think it would also be very good to bring
> Compositor and Sequence Editor tools more in line with each other. If
> it's kept RGB, we can easily have the exact same tools nicely in the
> Compositor too (was planning to do this). I think if we can share more
> code and features between the two, it would be a net benefit for both,
> rather than keeping the sequence  as it is, almost a standalone
> application inside blender.

you can use the same input prefilter functions for the compositor, where 
is the problem?

Maybe that is a misunderstanding:
we don't try to replace the effect stack of the sequencer here!

The filter stack within the sequencer does *pre*-filtering!
And that should be done correctly! (YUV -> RGB is a lossy operation)

Please don't try to "generalize" things here in the notion "RGB is good 
enough for everyone", since that actually doesn't solve the problem.

There should be a path for RGB input, too, but we shouldn't limit it to 
RGB input...


Peter Schlaile

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