>From 2.4x there are lots of scripts that are really useful but fairly
- Mesh Unfolder (could do 3d -> origami type unfolding)
- Tree Maker (Curve 2 Tree, useful but quite a specialized workflow)
- LipSync, never got this to work but I imaging it could be very
useful in some cases.
- 3D Mesh formats that are mostly historic, RAW, OFF, IV, MD2
- Discombombulator
- Bolt Factory

In blender2.4x many of these we're nicely tucked away in scripts
menu's but in Blender2.5 there isnt a distinction between scripts and
built in functionality.

So I propose we have a directory where scripts are not loaded
automatically, rather users can enable them in the userprefs under a
`Plugins` section.
Each item can include the scripts description and have a checkbox to enable.

This means we don't need to exclude scripts because only SOME people
find it useful, and we can keep the default UI from becoming too

One of the reasons I thaught of this is Colin was asking if the durian
scripts we have would make it into blender.
We added some scripts in a shared script dir, its interesting that
mostly only 1-2 of the of the team members needs them, so for example
Colin uses some utilities for camera naming, camera switch renders,
camera rigs Cessen wrote. Soenka/JS/Ben have a script for scattering
stones, Soenka for setting lamp-buffer resolutions.
So even in a small team it would be nice for them to be able to
enable/disable certain tools.

name isn't that important but we could have these scripts be in
"release/scripts/xtras" or similar.

I should be able to implement this all in python and dont think its a
big deal to add this technically, but it means we can include scripts
for specialist areas like
etc :)

If theres no problems I could start on it this weekend.
- Campbell
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