> Isn't this already implemented in the existing Node Editor in Blender?
> Or did you mean replacing the existing Node Editor by this more powerful
> node interface?

Replacing might be a strong word, but collapsing all node views into
one generic graph type that's editable and shares nodes equally (even
nodes that the developers think don't apply in all modes, because
sometimes they prove the most useful in the most random of
circumstances).  Then take that, and extend it with new node types
that could also be used for AI logic, etc.

I can't have a shader driven by an armature bone rotation, though, not
in nodes, and there's a separation of the Compositor / Texture node
tree views.  PyDrivers help with this, but in complex rigs they
actually make it harder to come back and figure out what you were up
to before because you can't see all connections and flows at once.
This is a real issue that is hindering Blender users right now-- the
rigger on Durian made that node view because he needs this ability to
track rig logic.  Being able to not only track the logic, but also
make connections and test them on the fly from within the node editor
would be a major, major addition to Blender's arsenal.

A real-world example that's hard to do in Blender:

In Maya you can use the blendColors node, which was created
specifically for shading, to blend between two sets of skin weights on
two sets of joints.  If you're doing a biped-to-quadruped rig that
blends between two rigs, this is a major feature that you need to make
the blend work easily.  The quadruped weights on the hip joint, for
example, would be different from the biped ones, and as you blend
control between the two rigs you can also blend the weights to have a
more seamless switch.  Also, this means that in the new mode the
weights are more appropriate to the current skeleton locomotion style.

~ C
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