> (Our 'rule' is meetings for decisions, list for discussion).
> So the feedback is useful and will be taken into consideration.

My $0.02 is that Blender 3.0 would be most appropriate. This update of
Blender is really very much different from any of the 2.* updates, as
everybody is aware. All tutorials, books, etc are rendered obsolete, which
was not the case in 2.* (there were little changes, moved buttons, but you
could always basically muddle through, even with the 2.3 guide). In fact, in
terms of the software itself and the interface, the difference seems to me
to be considerably greater than from the 1.* series to the 2.* series (which
I believe marked the open-sourcing of Blender). As somebody else commented,
if this upgrade isn't worth a leftmost-digit iteration then it's a bit hard
to imagine what might ever be.

Plus, to be honest, it would be better PR. For people who are still kind of
hanging around the periphery not sure whether it's worth their time to
investigate Blender, a major iteration would send the message that there's
something new here to check out. I think it's worthwhile to maximize the
buzz factor on this release.

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