> Raul Fernandez Hernandez wrote:
>> Is time to end up this security discussion: paperware is very beautiful
>> but never leave the planification phase.
>>   The pro-security team could work on a prototype that could shut up the
>> rest of us that think this discussion is getting in the way, meanwhile,
>> the rest of us could continue improving blender.
> Are you speaking for the Blender development team or just yourself?
> Serious question as I'd like to know if the opinion that adding security
> is not part of "improving Blender" is shared at the top level. After
> all, if Ton (for example) doesn't want there to be a security option -
> there simply isn't going to be one as it will never get into trunk.
> There is no point makling a prototype if the end-result is already
> predetermined as "we don't want it".

 Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of discrimination , I think the
fact that english is not my way of thinking could lead to this. I was
speaking for myself , splitting in pro-security and the rest is very
natural when a discussion arise, is nothing bad,  and when I was
referring to "the rest of us could continue improving blender" I didn't
mean that working in security was not improving blender, I mean: "the
rest of us could continue working in their projects in blender".
  I think a working patch or prototype is way better than a long
discussion that sometimes get out of its path, nothing more.

                                                 Cheers  Farsthary

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