Sensors and actuators you can leave that I'm fixing them now
(RandomActuator, RaySensor, JoystickSensor)

2010/5/4 Jaevixa McNomera <>:
> I can work on setting all these to the correct range. I've been home sick
> for the past 4 days anyway, I can start today.
> On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 1:13 AM, Campbell Barton <>wrote:
>> if anyone has some spare time, this is a relatively easy task:
>> correcting defaults for rna.
>> Check what the defaults are when adding a new
>> modifier/constraint/material/scene etc, then set this as the default
>> in rna.
>> Here are a list of defaults that are definitely wrong (list created by
>> document generator).
>>         AnimVizMotionPaths.after_current, 0 not in [1 - 150000]
>>         AnimVizMotionPaths.before_current, 0 not in [1 - 150000]
>>         AnimVizMotionPaths.frame_step, 0 not in [1 - 100]
>>         AnimVizOnionSkinning.frame_step, 0 not in [1 - 20]
>>         AreaLamp.shadow_ray_samples_x, 0 not in [1 - 64]
>>         AreaLamp.shadow_ray_samples_y, 0 not in [1 - 64]
>>         Armature.ghost_size, 0 not in [1 - 20]
>>         ArrayModifier.count, 0 not in [1 - 2147483647]
>>         BezierSplinePoint.weight, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 - 100.0]
>>         Bone.bbone_segments, 0 not in [1 - 32]
>>         Brush.rate, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-05 - 10000.0]
>>         Brush.size, 0 not in [1 - 200]
>>         Brush.smooth_stroke_factor, 0.0 not in [0.5 - 0.990000009537]
>>         Brush.smooth_stroke_radius, 0 not in [10 - 200]
>>         Brush.spacing, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 100.0]
>>         BuildModifier.length, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 300000.0]
>>         BuildModifier.seed, 0 not in [1 - 300000]
>>         Camera.angle, 0.0 not in [0.00640535820276 - 3.0167491436]
>>         Camera.clip_end, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         Camera.draw_size, 0.0 not in [0.10000000149 - 1000.0]
>>         Camera.lens, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 5000.0]
>>         Camera.ortho_scale, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 - 1000.0]
>>         ClothCollisionSettings.collision_quality, 0 not in [1 - 20]
>>         ClothCollisionSettings.min_distance, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 -
>> 1.0]
>>         ClothCollisionSettings.self_collision_quality, 0 not in [1 - 10]
>>         ClothCollisionSettings.self_min_distance, 0.0 not in [0.5 - 1.0]
>>         ClothSettings.quality, 0 not in [4 - 80]
>>         CloudsTexture.nabla, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 - 0.10000000149]
>>         CloudsTexture.noise_size, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-05 -
>> 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         CollisionSettings.inner_thickness, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 -
>> 1.0]
>>         CollisionSettings.outer_thickness, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 -
>> 1.0]
>>         CompositorNodeBilateralblur.iterations, 0 not in [1 - 128]
>>         CompositorNodeBilateralblur.sigma_color, 0.0 not in
>> [0.00999999977648 - 3.0]
>>         CompositorNodeBilateralblur.sigma_space, 0.0 not in
>> [0.00999999977648 - 30.0]
>>         CompositorNodeChromaMatte.acceptance, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 80.0]
>>         CompositorNodeColorSpill.ratio, 0.0 not in [0.5 - 1.5]
>>         CompositorNodeDBlur.iterations, 0 not in [1 - 32]
>>         CompositorNodeDefocus.samples, 0 not in [16 - 256]
>>         CompositorNodeGlare.fade, 0.0 not in [0.75 - 1.0]
>>         CompositorNodeGlare.iterations, 0 not in [2 - 5]
>>         CompositorNodeGlare.size, 0 not in [6 - 9]
>>         CompositorNodeGlare.streaks, 0 not in [2 - 16]
>>         CompositorNodeImage.frames, 0 not in [1 - 300000]
>>         CompositorNodeImage.start, 0 not in [1 - 300000]
>>         CompositorNodeOutputFile.quality, 0 not in [1 - 100]
>>         CompositorNodeTonemap.gamma, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 - 3.0]
>>         CompositorNodeTonemap.offset, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 - 10.0]
>>         ControlFluidSettings.quality, 0.0 not in [5.0 - 100.0]
>>         Curve.path_length, 0 not in [1 - 300000]
>>         Curve.resolution_u, 0 not in [1 - 2147483647]
>>         Curve.resolution_v, 0 not in [1 - 2147483647]
>>         DistortedNoiseTexture.nabla, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 -
>> 0.10000000149]
>>         DistortedNoiseTexture.noise_size, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-05 -
>> 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         DomainFluidSettings.compressibility, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 -
>> 0.10000000149]
>>         DomainFluidSettings.preview_resolution, 0 not in [1 - 100]
>>         DomainFluidSettings.real_world_size, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 -
>> 10.0]
>>         DomainFluidSettings.resolution, 0 not in [1 - 1024]
>>         EditBone.bbone_segments, 0 not in [1 - 32]
>>         EffectSequence.strobe, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 30.0]
>>         EnvironmentMap.clip_end, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 -
>> 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         EnvironmentMap.clip_start, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 -
>> 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         EnvironmentMap.resolution, 0 not in [50 - 4096]
>>         EnvironmentMapTexture.filter_eccentricity, 0 not in [1 - 256]
>>         EnvironmentMapTexture.filter_probes, 0 not in [1 - 256]
>>         EnvironmentMapTexture.filter_size, 0.0 not in [0.10000000149 -
>> 50.0]
>>         EnvironmentMap.zoom, 0.0 not in [0.10000000149 - 5.0]
>>         FieldSettings.seed, 0 not in [1 - 128]
>>         FieldSettings.texture_nabla, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-05 - 1.0]
>>         GameObjectSettings.mass, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 - 10000.0]
>>         GameObjectSettings.radius, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 - 10.0]
>>         GameSoftBodySettings.cluster_iterations, 0 not in [1 - 128]
>>         GameSoftBodySettings.margin, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 - 1.0]
>>         GlowSequence.blur_distance, 0.0 not in [0.5 - 20.0]
>>         GlowSequence.quality, 0 not in [1 - 5]
>>         GPencilLayer.line_thickness, 0 not in [1 - 10]
>>         GPencilLayer.opacity, 0.0 not in [0.300000011921 - 1.0]
>>         Image.animation_speed, 0 not in [1 - 100]
>>         Image.generated_height, 0 not in [1 - 16384]
>>         Image.generated_width, 0 not in [1 - 16384]
>>         ImageSequence.strobe, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 30.0]
>>         ImageTexture.filter_eccentricity, 0 not in [1 - 256]
>>         ImageTexture.filter_probes, 0 not in [1 - 256]
>>         ImageTexture.filter_size, 0.0 not in [0.10000000149 - 50.0]
>>         ImageTexture.repeat_x, 0 not in [1 - 512]
>>         ImageTexture.repeat_y, 0 not in [1 - 512]
>>         Image.tiles_x, 0 not in [1 - 16]
>>         Image.tiles_y, 0 not in [1 - 16]
>>         ImageUser.frame_start, 0 not in [1 - 300000]
>>         Itasc.num_iter, 0 not in [1 - 1000]
>>         Itasc.num_step, 0 not in [1 - 50]
>>         JoystickSensor.axis_number, 0 not in [1 - 2]
>>         JoystickSensor.hat_number, 0 not in [1 - 2]
>>         KinematicConstraint.iterations, 0 not in [1 - 10000]
>>         KinematicConstraint.orient_weight, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 -
>> 1.0]
>>         KinematicConstraint.weight, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 - 1.0]
>>         LampSkySettings.atmosphere_turbidity, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 30.0]
>>         Lattice.points_u, 0 not in [1 - 64]
>>         Lattice.points_v, 0 not in [1 - 64]
>>         Lattice.points_w, 0 not in [1 - 64]
>>         MagicTexture.turbulence, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-05 -
>> 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         MaintainVolumeConstraint.volume, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 -
>> 100.0]
>>         MarbleTexture.nabla, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 - 0.10000000149]
>>         MarbleTexture.noise_size, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-05 -
>> 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         MarbleTexture.turbulence, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-05 -
>> 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         MaterialHalo.flare_boost, 0.0 not in [0.10000000149 - 10.0]
>>         MaterialHalo.flare_size, 0.0 not in [0.10000000149 - 25.0]
>>         MaterialHalo.flares_sub, 0 not in [1 - 32]
>>         MaterialHalo.flare_subsize, 0.0 not in [0.10000000149 - 25.0]
>>         MaterialHalo.star_tips, 0 not in [3 - 50]
>>         MaterialRaytraceTransparency.falloff, 0.0 not in [0.10000000149 -
>> 10.0]
>>         MaterialRaytraceTransparency.fresnel_factor, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 5.0]
>>         MaterialRaytraceTransparency.ior, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 3.0]
>>         Material.shadow_casting_alpha, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 - 1.0]
>>         Material.specular_hardness, 0 not in [1 - 511]
>>         Material.specular_ior, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 10.0]
>>         MaterialStrand.min_size, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 - 10.0]
>>         Mesh.autosmooth_angle, 0 not in [1 - 80]
>>         MeshDeformModifier.precision, 0 not in [2 - 10]
>>         MetaBall.render_size, 0.0 not in [0.0500000007451 - 1.0]
>>         MetaBall.wire_size, 0.0 not in [0.0500000007451 - 1.0]
>>         MetaSequence.strobe, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 30.0]
>>         MovieSequence.strobe, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 30.0]
>>         MulticamSequence.strobe, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 30.0]
>>         MusgraveTexture.highest_dimension, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-05 -
>> 2.0]
>>         MusgraveTexture.nabla, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 - 0.10000000149]
>>         MusgraveTexture.noise_size, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-05 -
>> 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         NlaStrip.repeat, 0.0 not in [0.10000000149 - 1000.0]
>>         NlaStrip.scale, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-05 - 1000.0]
>>         Object.dupli_faces_scale, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 - 10000.0]
>>         Object.empty_draw_size, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-05 - 1000.0]
>>         ParticleBrush.count, 0 not in [1 - 1000]
>>         ParticleBrush.size, 0 not in [1 - 2147483647]
>>         ParticleBrush.steps, 0 not in [1 - 2147483647]
>>         ParticleBrush.strength, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 - 1.0]
>>         ParticleEdit.add_keys, 0 not in [2 - 2147483647]
>>         ParticleEdit.draw_step, 0 not in [2 - 10]
>>         ParticleEdit.fade_frames, 0 not in [2 - 100]
>>         ParticleInstanceModifier.particle_system_number, 0 not in [1 - 10]
>>         ParticleSettings.billboard_uv_split, 0 not in [1 - 100]
>>         ParticleSettings.child_size, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 -
>> 100000.0]
>>         ParticleSettings.grid_resolution, 0 not in [1 - 46]
>>         ParticleSettings.hair_step, 0 not in [2 - 50]
>>         ParticleSettings.keyed_loops, 0 not in [1 - 10000]
>>         ParticleSettings.lifetime, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 300000.0]
>>         ParticleSettings.mass, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 - 100000.0]
>>         ParticleSettings.material, 0 not in [1 - 16]
>>         ParticleSettings.particle_size, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 -
>> 100000.0]
>>         ParticleSettings.rough1_size, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 -
>> 100000.0]
>>         ParticleSettings.rough2_size, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 -
>> 100000.0]
>>         ParticleSettings.simplify_refsize, 0 not in [1 - 32768]
>>         ParticleSettings.trail_count, 0 not in [1 - 100000]
>>         ParticleSystem.reactor_target_particle_system, 0 not in [1 -
>> 2147483647]
>>         ParticleTarget.system, 0 not in [1 - 2147483647]
>>         PointCache.frame_end, 0 not in [1 - 300000]
>>         PointCache.frame_start, 0 not in [1 - 300000]
>>         PointCache.step, 0 not in [1 - 20]
>>         PointDensity.falloff_softness, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 -
>> 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         PointDensity.radius, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 -
>> 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         PointDensity.speed_scale, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 - 100.0]
>>         PointDensity.turbulence_size, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 -
>> 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         PointDensity.turbulence_strength, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 -
>> 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         PointLamp.shadow_ray_samples, 0 not in [1 - 64]
>>         RandomActuator.int_mean, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 - 100.0]
>>         RaySensor.range, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 - 10000.0]
>>         RenderSettings.file_quality, 0 not in [1 - 100]
>>         RenderSettings.filter_size, 0.0 not in [0.5 - 1.5]
>>         RenderSettings.fps, 0 not in [1 - 120]
>>         RenderSettings.fps_base, 0.0 not in [0.10000000149 - 120.0]
>>         RenderSettings.motion_blur_samples, 0 not in [1 - 32]
>>         RenderSettings.parts_x, 0 not in [1 - 512]
>>         RenderSettings.parts_y, 0 not in [1 - 512]
>>         RenderSettings.pixel_aspect_x, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 200.0]
>>         RenderSettings.pixel_aspect_y, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 200.0]
>>         RenderSettings.resolution_x, 0 not in [4 - 10000]
>>         RenderSettings.resolution_y, 0 not in [4 - 10000]
>>         RenderSettings.stamp_font_size, 0 not in [8 - 64]
>>         RenderSettings.threads, 0 not in [1 - 64]
>>         SceneGameData.depth, 0 not in [8 - 32]
>>         SceneGameData.eye_separation, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 - 5.0]
>>         SceneGameData.fps, 0 not in [1 - 250]
>>         SceneGameData.frequency, 0 not in [4 - 2000]
>>         SceneGameData.logic_step_max, 0 not in [1 - 5]
>>         SceneGameData.occlusion_culling_resolution, 0.0 not in [128.0 -
>> 1024.0]
>>         SceneGameData.physics_step_max, 0 not in [1 - 5]
>>         SceneGameData.physics_step_sub, 0 not in [1 - 5]
>>         SceneGameData.resolution_x, 0 not in [4 - 10000]
>>         SceneGameData.resolution_y, 0 not in [4 - 10000]
>>         SceneSequence.strobe, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 30.0]
>>         Scene.speed_of_sound, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 -
>> 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         ScrewModifier.iterations, 0 not in [1 - 10000]
>>         ScrewModifier.render_steps, 0 not in [2 - 10000]
>>         ScrewModifier.steps, 0 not in [2 - 10000]
>>         Sequence.length, 0 not in [1 - 300000]
>>         SmokeDomainSettings.amplify, 0 not in [1 - 10]
>>         SmokeDomainSettings.dissolve_speed, 0 not in [1 - 100]
>>         SmokeDomainSettings.maxres, 0 not in [24 - 512]
>>         SmokeDomainSettings.strength, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 10.0]
>>         SmokeFlowSettings.density, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 - 1.0]
>>         SoftBodySettings.ball_damp, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 - 1.0]
>>         SoftBodySettings.ball_stiff, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 - 100.0]
>>         SoftBodySettings.error_limit, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 - 10.0]
>>         SoftBodySettings.fuzzy, 0 not in [1 - 100]
>>         SoftBodySettings.speed, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 - 100.0]
>>         SpaceConsole.font_size, 0 not in [8 - 32]
>>         SpaceTextEditor.font_size, 0 not in [8 - 32]
>>         SpaceTextEditor.tab_width, 0 not in [2 - 8]
>>         SpaceView3D.clip_end, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         SpaceView3D.grid_subdivisions, 0 not in [1 - 1024]
>>         SpaceView3D.lens, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 250.0]
>>         SplineIKConstraint.chain_length, 0 not in [1 - 255]
>>         Spline.order_u, 0 not in [2 - 6]
>>         Spline.order_v, 0 not in [2 - 6]
>>         SplinePoint.weight_softbody, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 - 100.0]
>>         Spline.resolution_u, 0 not in [1 - 2147483647]
>>         Spline.resolution_v, 0 not in [1 - 2147483647]
>>         SpotLamp.shadow_buffer_bias, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 - 5.0]
>>         SpotLamp.shadow_buffer_samples, 0 not in [1 - 16]
>>         SpotLamp.shadow_buffer_size, 0 not in [512 - 10240]
>>         SpotLamp.shadow_ray_samples, 0 not in [1 - 64]
>>         SpotLamp.spot_size, 0.0 not in [0.0174532923847 - 3.14159274101]
>>         StucciTexture.noise_size, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-05 -
>> 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         StucciTexture.turbulence, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-05 -
>> 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         SunLamp.shadow_ray_samples, 0 not in [1 - 64]
>>         TextCurve.text_size, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-05 - 10000.0]
>>         Texture.contrast, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 - 5.0]
>>         TextureNodeBricks.offset_frequency, 0 not in [2 - 99]
>>         TextureNodeBricks.squash_frequency, 0 not in [2 - 99]
>>         ThemeFontStyle.points, 0 not in [6 - 48]
>>         ThemeGraphEditor.vertex_size, 0 not in [1 - 10]
>>         ThemeImageEditor.facedot_size, 0 not in [1 - 10]
>>         ThemeImageEditor.vertex_size, 0 not in [1 - 10]
>>         ThemeStyle.panelzoom, 0.0 not in [0.5 - 2.0]
>>         ThemeView3D.facedot_size, 0 not in [1 - 10]
>>         ThemeView3D.vertex_size, 0 not in [1 - 10]
>>         ToolSettings.etch_adaptive_limit, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-06 -
>> 1.0]
>>         ToolSettings.etch_length_limit, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-06 -
>> 100000.0]
>>         ToolSettings.etch_subdivision_number, 0 not in [1 - 10000]
>>         ToolSettings.normal_size, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-06 - 1000.0]
>>         UnitSettings.scale_length, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-06 -
>> 100000.0]
>>         UserPreferencesFilePaths.auto_save_time, 0 not in [1 - 60]
>>         UserPreferencesInput.double_click_time, 0 not in [1 - 1000]
>>         UserPreferencesSystem.dpi, 0 not in [48 - 128]
>>         UserPreferencesSystem.screencast_fps, 0 not in [10 - 50]
>>         UserPreferencesSystem.screencast_wait_time, 0 not in [50 - 1000]
>>         UserPreferencesSystem.scrollback, 0 not in [32 - 32768]
>>         UserPreferencesSystem.texture_collection_rate, 0 not in [1 - 3600]
>>         UserPreferencesView.manipulator_handle_size, 0 not in [2 - 40]
>>         UserPreferencesView.manipulator_hotspot, 0 not in [4 - 40]
>>         UserPreferencesView.manipulator_size, 0 not in [2 - 40]
>>         UserPreferencesView.mini_axis_size, 0 not in [10 - 64]
>>         UserPreferencesView.object_origin_size, 0 not in [4 - 10]
>>         UserPreferencesView.open_left_mouse_delay, 0 not in [1 - 40]
>>         UserPreferencesView.open_right_mouse_delay, 0 not in [1 - 40]
>>         UserPreferencesView.open_sublevel_delay, 0 not in [1 - 40]
>>         UserPreferencesView.open_toplevel_delay, 0 not in [1 - 40]
>>         UserPreferencesView.view2d_grid_minimum_spacing, 0 not in [1 - 500]
>>         UVProjectModifier.aspect_x, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         UVProjectModifier.aspect_y, 0.0 not in [1.0 - 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         UVProjectModifier.num_projectors, 0 not in [1 - 10]
>>         VoronoiTexture.minkovsky_exponent, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 -
>> 10.0]
>>         VoronoiTexture.nabla, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 - 0.10000000149]
>>         VoronoiTexture.noise_intensity, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 -
>> 10.0]
>>         VoronoiTexture.noise_size, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-05 -
>> 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         VoxelData.intensity, 0.0 not in [0.00999999977648 -
>> 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         WoodTexture.nabla, 0.0 not in [0.0010000000475 - 0.10000000149]
>>         WoodTexture.noise_size, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-05 -
>> 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         WoodTexture.turbulence, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-05 -
>> 3.40282346639e+38]
>>         WorldLighting.error_tolerance, 0.0 not in [9.99999974738e-05 -
>> 10.0]
>>         WorldLighting.indirect_bounces, 0 not in [1 - 2147483647]
>>         WorldLighting.samples, 0 not in [1 - 32]
>>         World.range, 0.0 not in [0.20000000298 - 5.0]
>>         WorldStarsSettings.average_separation, 0.0 not in [2.0 - 1000.0]
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