On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 11:56 AM, Damir Prebeg <blend.fact...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Knapp. I have never claimed that I'm an expert in any part of Blender.
> I'm just ordinary, hobby Blender user for about 5 years.

Me too but for having been a programmer and thus having a least a bit
of understanding of what the devs are talking about.

> Since English isn't my language, maybe I don't understand what Luke ment by
> "Hard to tell what's going in and what's coming out".
> Now I don't know what you mean by this:
>> ...have you done ANY node work in
>> blender? It seems very easy to me to understand but I have done at
>> least 100 hours of blender node work.
> I played around with Blender nodes but I didn't have much time to dig deeper
> into that mater as you have. I still have do my regular job to feed my
> family. I don't understand, does that disqualifies me from making
> suggestions on this matter?

No, what I meant was that maybe you did not understand his pictures
because you are not used to doing blender node work. I think that if
you played with it for a few hours, his pictures would be clear.

No disrespect meant at all!! I think regular users are VERY important
for devs to hear. It is very easy to get caught up in a word where you
know it all and thus it is all obvious and easy. It takes a newbie or
user to see that it is NOT obvious and then step up and tell the devs.
Great products must have great coding but they also need great design
and docs even more.

My mother tongue is English but I live in Germany, so I have a great
understanding and respect for anyone trying to communicate in a
non-mother tongue! It is my daily hell.

Sorry for any misunderstandings I might have caused.

This image is 5 days old, so if it vanishes, email me and I will repost.
It is just a simple composting node system that I made. It has lots of
inputs and outputs with viewers. I think it is a bit like what he was
thinking about but with composting in this case. Maybe it will make
things more clear.

Douglas E Knapp

Massagen Arbeit in Gelsenkirchen Buer
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