
My main task this week is to get the issue of installation and file paths under 
control, hopefully before the beta release, and definitely before the stable 

Several differing proposals have been made for this in the past, with no clear 
consensus and agreement, and there are several messy competing systems in 
Blender's source right now which need to be cleaned. I've read over the various 
proposals, and tried to amalgamate something that unifies the ideas and meets 
all the requirements in each.

The focus here is on a short-term, achievable target of clearing up 
installation and finding resource file paths. Other things such as UNC paths, 
unicode/international file access, wrapping FILE pointers etc can be considered 
separate issues, and looked at after a stable release - this is specifically 
regarding retrieving system/user data paths.

Anyway, my proposal is here:


I hope that this enough to quickly agree on and get moving.


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