Hi all :)

   Well, this is another code surprise I have prepared for the community ...

 I fell in love with 3D Coat Voxel Sculptig and with Sculptris dynamic
tesselllation on the fly , both approaches , although very different
under the hood tackle the same problem: artistic freedom and unlimited
clay, in both features there's no need to worry for polygon stretching
while you sculpt!

  Some time ago I have contacted the developer of Sculptris hoping for
hints or help to implement that on Blender, sadly he has not the time to
do that.
 but anyway, I like challenges and having in my mind the goal, the path
will be revealed ;)

  But few days ago with the revival of the Sculptris interest I decided to
ush myself a little and at least implement a basic working prototype,
but the results although still is non ready for production and I'm sure
is not optimally implemeted, has surpassed my initial expectations for
the first teration.

 Since Mesh/Sculpting is not my main field rigth now, I would preciate the
further help of experienced devs on this are to make a decent/production
ready implemetation of this very useful tool.

  I have sended to Lapinou a video showing it in action, so he will update
 soon my blog.


          Keep in touch , I'm very excited about it and can't stop playing
with it.

warning: it lacks currently a lot of functionality and is not a Sculptris
competitor, but every plant start as a seed ;)

                                          Cheers  Farsthary

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