We indeed used to have a pivot point in sculpt very much like what you
describe, unfortunately it didn't make it through the transition to
2.5. (It seems all that remains is an unused pivot_last field in
DNA_view3d_types.h) I'd love for that feature to come back, it's very


On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 12:47 AM, Charles Wardlaw
<cward...@marchentertainment.com> wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> I remember seeing a request for people to speak up about speed in your 
> branch.  I just did a quick test on 1.5 million polygons in a multires mesh-- 
> The speed is so good now that I don't find myself dropping into lower 
> resolutions to do my edits.  (I'm on a Macbook Pro i7 with an NVidia 330m.)  
> Even with a brush that covers a large area, everything but the Smooth brush 
> feels great.  The only part of it all that feels slower is the resizing of 
> the brush.  Might be my imagination, but it feels much slower.  Not a big 
> deal, and doesn't get in the way of usability.
> The scrape brush is my new favorite toy.  I'm also absolutely in love with 
> the on-surface cursor, although it shifts to the side when you use the grab 
> brush.  It also resizes sometimes across a surface-- while scraping, I 
> sometimes see it shrink as I go from place to place. I think it's only 
> cosmetic, though-- it doesn't seem to behave any differently.  The fill brush 
> also works quite well.
> I'd like to make one suggestion, in the "if you have time" box.  One thing 3D 
> Coat does that's very nice is that it allows the user to reset the camera 
> pivot position to somewhere on the mesh-- this way you can rotate around a 
> place that makes sense regardless of how far you are from where you started.  
> This would be very nice to have while sculpting in Blender.  Press a key and 
> wherever the mouse is hovering on the mesh is the new camera pivot point.  
> It's possible this is already an operator somewhere (if it is I'm sure 
> someone will politely correct me), but if not, I hope you or some other 
> interested party could add it in.
> ~ Charles
> On 2010-06-12, at 1:40 AM, Jason Wilkins wrote:
>> == "On-Surface" Brush Cursor ==
>> The "On-Surface" brush cursor is drawn in a way that makes it appear to
>> follow the contours of the object being sculpted.  The brush tells an
>> artist precisely what areas will be effected by applying the current tool.
>> Sometimes the area it highlights is quite convoluted and something the
>> artist never would have guessed from using the old cursor. Beyond that I am
>> experimenting with changing the brushes thickness, opacity, and color based
>> on different brush settings.  When using a pen, any changes to size or
>> strength because of pressure are also visualized as you go.
>> The brush is obviously very useful and I've received nothing but positive
>> feedback on it, however there is much work to be done before it can be
>> integrated into the Blender mainstream due to two reasons.  The first is
>> that although it can be implemented using standard OpenGL, for the triple
>> window update method it requires saving and restoring the depth buffer which
>> is an action that was overlooked in the original standard and is only
>> supported by a slow round trip to memory through ReadPixels/DrawPixels.
>> Making it fast will require using two extensions ARB_depth_texture and
>> ARB_fragment_program (or any fragment shading extension that allows writing
>> depth).
>> The other reason is that the cursor requires the stencil buffer which is not
>> normally requested by Blender.
>> I believe that any reasonable target for doing digital sculpting in Blender
>> in 2010 supports all of these features because they have been a part of
>> standard mainstream OpenGL for years.  Stencil buffer was common even before
>> the release of Doom 3 which made extensive use of it.
>> Currently there are still some issues that need to be worked out but I
>> believe the special cursor is an important enough feature to justify
>> requesting the stencil buffer and using certain extensions.
>> == Locking Brush Size to Blender Units ==
>> I added an option to lock the current size of the brush relative to the
>> object.  This means if you zoom in or out that the brush will resize so that
>> it will be the same size relative to the object.
>> This allows an artist to work at different levels of zoom without having to
>> resize the brush in a time wasting attempt to match the size of the previous
>> work.
>> == Texture Controls and Overlay ==
>> I improved the texture mapping controls, including a transparent overlay for
>> showing the orientation of the texture.  This is similar to mudbox and
>> zbrush "stencils"
>> == Grab ==
>> I improved the behavior of the grab brush.  The radius is doubled when
>> grabbing and moving the grabbed area around no longer causes it to become
>> distorted.
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