Requested by Cam, a demo of a possible use of transform modifier (bad name!)

pura vida

Daniel Salazar

On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 5:33 AM, Campbell Barton <> wrote:
> re Modifiers:
> At the moment we don't have a clear owner of modifiers who has
> authority to accept/reject patches in this area.
> I could post a video and people might like what the modifier does but
> I'm more interested in being able to get review on functionality and
> internal workings.
> Since there is no 1 person who is clearly the maintainer and modules
> are becoming a large area how about we assign 3 module owners?,
> We had this for python scripts in 2.4x and I think it worked well.
> Each person should have written at least 1 modifier or done a
> significant work on the modifier stack...
> Suggested candidates
> - Nicholas Bishop
> - Gensher
> - Jahka
> (Brecht and myself would accept this role too)
> - Campbell
> On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 1:36 PM, Brecht Van Lommel <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 12:30 PM, revuedelibre . <> 
>> wrote:
>>> Are we talking about bpy.ops.render ?
>> This is about external render engine integration, not running
>> executing a render from python.
>>> For me, we can't remove features that was present from 2.4x
>>> New version must have at least all features from old.
>> 2.6 will miss some features that were in 2.4, if it's too unstable we
>> should disable it. Discussed this with a Campbell, we agree that it
>> can be marked as being experimental still, much like other parts of
>> the API that have not been tested well, but it doesn't need to be
>> disabled. The render API itself is very small and I can fix bugs
>> reported with it, but most of the API is actually the same 2.5 python
>> API as used for exporters and UI.
>> Brecht.
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> - Campbell
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