Yeah the ghost button in the Action editor can toggle visibility now.
 Thanks Aligorith.

But as far as replacing layer keys, I don't think restricting individual
objects' visibilities are as efficient.

However, we can now toggle the visibility of groups, it would be nice if we
could keyframe them as well ( I can't seem to do this on trunk r30112 ).  If
I could keyframe them, I could probably live without
layer keys.

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 7:17 PM, Joshua Leung <> wrote:

> 2010/7/9 Vilem Novak <>
> >
> > Animateable object layers:
> > first to mention, this doesn't work in 2.5, and I miss that feature a
> lot.
> > as allready mentioned, it actually saves performance when moving objects
> > between layers instead of animating their hiding.
> > Also, currently animating hiding of objects with the restrict prop is a
> > pita, since animation editors don't show hidden objects, so moving the
> keys
> > for these is nearly impossible.
> These "bugs" were fixed earlier this week. Monday to be precise.
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