No word to add to this.
-1 too.

Selon Thomas Dinges <>:

>   Hey everybody,
> first of all I admit that I don't fully understand everything concerning
> this topic, but I want to say some words as the one who have written
> most ui scripts until today.
> I did the initial ui python scripts back in summer 2009, after I did
> some "Hello world" stuff in Pythin and basic programms with some print
> stuff and variables. Nothing you can't learn within a few hours.
> Even with that little knowledge it was very easy to get into the Blender
> Ui coding and in my oppinion it even got better over the past year,
> after some API changes.
> So I think:
> -We have a very easy api for Python ui scripts atm, where everyone can
> dive into it very easily and without much knowledge
> -It has proven to work for 1 year now.
> -All user-written scripts allready work this way, we should stop doing
> heavy api changes, or now in that proposal even language changes.
> There are some flaws, I admit that, but it would be much better to try
> to improve the current method with pythons scripts, than completey
> change to another language.
> I am very happy to help in any way, improving the current system.
> Bottom line:
> A big -1 for that proposal.
> Best regards,
> Thomas
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