With the recent removal of the "WITH_BF_FHS" variable I'm having trouble 
figuring out how to setup a standard linux system install.

Right now the install paths relative to the install root are:

|-- 2.53
|   `-- scripts
|       |-- [ ... ]
|-- icons
|   |-- [ ... ]
`-- plugins
    |-- [ ... ]

And I want to set it to do something more in line with LSB layout that will 
allow multiple versions installed on the system in parallel:

|-- bin
|   `-- blender-2.53
|-- lib
|   `-- blender
|       `-- 2.53
|           `-- plugins
`-- share
    `-- blender
        `-- 2.53
            |-- icons
            `-- scripts

Is there a way to do this now without "WITH_BF_FHS" ?

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