Hi, I found this link pretty helpful:


Best wishes, phil (SaphireS)

Am 08.10.2010 12:44, schrieb Tobias Oelgarte:
> At least this is some starting point. A simple documentation on this
> could be really handy. I will try to setup a basic modifier and see if i
> run in any trouble. If so, i will ask back, since this could also be
> helpfull, if you decide to write a documentation on this. For now i will
> spend my time to read more into the code.
> Thank you. Without this i might have searched for hours/days and
> probably given up frustrated.
> Jeroen Bakker schrieb:
>> Hi,
>> I have a small step by step mind dump, but have not yet had time to
>> write the complete documentation about it. see below. there is also a
>> developer website who mentions it, but cannot find it right now.
>> Add custom modifier
>> 1. DNA_modifier_types.h -->  add ModifierType enumeration (must start
>> with eModifierType_[NAME])
>> 2. DNA_modifier_types.h -->  Add [NAME]ModifierData struct. first field
>> must be ModifierData modifier
>> 3. rna_modifier.c -->      {eModifierType_[NAME], "[NAME]",
>> ICON_MOD_PHYSICS, "Surface", ""},
>> static void rna_def_modifier_test(BlenderRNA *brna)
>> {
>>       StructRNA *srna;
>>       srna= RNA_def_struct(brna, "TestModifier", "Modifier");
>>       RNA_def_struct_ui_text(srna, "Test Modifier", "just a test");
>>       RNA_def_struct_sdna(srna, "TestModifierData");
>>       RNA_def_struct_ui_icon(srna, ICON_MOD_PARTICLES);
>> }
>> add sdna fields
>> static StructRNA* rna_Modifier_refine(struct PointerRNA *ptr)
>>    add case
>> call method from register
>> 4 modifier.c
>>           mti = INIT_TYPE(Test);
>>           mti->type = eModifierTypeType_Constructive;
>>           mti->flags = eModifierTypeFlag_AcceptsMesh;
>>           mti->initData = testModifier_initData; // method to be called
>> when created
>>           mti->copyData = testModifier_copyData; // method to be called
>> when copied
>>           mti->applyModifier = testModifier_applyModifier; // method to
>> be called when applied
>>           mti->applyModifierEM = testModifier_applyModifierEM; // method
>> to be called when applied
>> /** test modifier **/
>> static void testModifier_initData(ModifierData *md)
>> {
>> }
>> static void testModifier_copyData(ModifierData *md, ModifierData *target)
>> {
>> }
>> static DerivedMesh *testModifier_applyModifier(ModifierData *md,
>>                              Object *ob,
>>                              DerivedMesh *dm,
>>                              int useRenderParams,
>>                              int isFinalCalc)
>> {
>>       return dm;
>> }
>> static DerivedMesh *testModifier_applyModifierEM(ModifierData *md,
>>                                Object *ob,
>>                                EditMesh *editData,
>>                                DerivedMesh *derivedData)
>> {
>>       return testModifier_applyModifier(md, ob, derivedData, 0, 1);
>> }
>> 5. add user interface panel.
>> properties_data_modifier.py
>> class DATA_PT_modifiers add method [NAME]
>> 6. implement modifier.
>> On 10/08/2010 12:30 PM, Tobias Oelgarte wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Im currently looking into the sources of blender and try to understand
>>> how the modifiers are working. Writing a modifier seams to be simple,
>>> but on the other side there are many other files that are keeping lists
>>> of them (to know which are available). This is somehow like finding all
>>> needles in a haystack.
>>> Is there a documentation on modifiers, that lists all the files that
>>> need to be changed if you write/add your own modifier? Need this files
>>> to be changed, or will they be updated automatically? (guess not)
>>> Somehow i miss some document that points out how i can write my own
>>> modifier from scratch (including gui etc.). At least a very simple
>>> example would be nice.
>>> Currently i developed code to write a so called RestoreVolume-Modifer,
>>> that ensures that a closed mesh keeps/restores it's original volume
>>> after deformations (due to other modifiers). Simplest example would be a
>>> muscle that contracts and will grow on the sides (controllable by vertex
>>> group), because of the loss of volume in length.
>>> Any suggestions or hints?
>>> Best wishes Tobias Oelgarte
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