
I'm sorry, as actually I would need to dig into details to understand all
the subtleties,
but few sparse thoughts

is it possible to have a two step registration? such that first - there  map
is created ( or graph
http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_45_0/libs/graph/doc/index.html )  like it is
done in boost.python (starting files  to look at
are \boost\python\converter\registry.hpp
| boost\python\converter\registrations.hpp  )  of types ,
where all requested types are registered upon class creation and then
then the whole system is glued together ( registered ) looking for
unavailable parts and the next step?

will it solve
> Matt Ebb and Nathan Vegdahl have complained about auto-registration
>in its current state fir renderman support which does dynamic
>generated classes from shaders, and rigify for rig types.

if yes. then why two step registration is not an option ( or will it add too
much complexity)?

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