Some more tests and found lazy loading of modules in other areas,
gives good speedup on cold start.

Times don't compare to last tests because I disabled some options
(BGE, FFMPEG etc).
I did lazy importing of modules:
  traceback, shutil, time, math and pydoc
  I also removed 'collections' import as well as netrender. *

Results for "time ./blender -b" after flushing disk cache,
Normal: 8.923 sec
Lazy Loading: 4.647s

* note, removing collections import means we would need to use a
different ordered dict metaclass, I'm not worried about this since we
don't use many of the OrderedDict features, we could have a cut down

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 7:29 AM, Knapp <> wrote:
> I like the splash because it is a convenient and fast way to pick what I
> will work on for the day. I usually have at least 2 projects going at one
> time. I also like it because of the picture. It reminds me of the cool
> things I can make with blender! On a day to day basis I mostly see the
> utilitarian GUI because I found a long time ago that rendering to see how I
> am doing is a HUGE waste of time. Its nice to see something beautiful in the
> morning. (I can't say I like the recent pics, to dark, loved the orchids
> from the past though!)
> --
> Douglas E Knapp
> Creative Commons Film Group, Helping people make open source movies
> with open source software!
> Massage in Gelsenkirchen-Buer:
> Please link to me and trade links with me!
> Open Source Sci-Fi mmoRPG Game project.
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