I don't really understand rendering, but in its own words that toolset 
"hijacks" Blender's existing shader nodes and re-purposes them, using 
hacks like storing information in each node's *location*! That's not 
going to help us.

It's a shame I graduated last year, as I would totally be up for 
implementing this through GSoC. I'm just surprised that it's a big 
enough job to warrant something like that...

On 04/03/2011 7:42, Toni Alatalo wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-03-04 at 17:01 +0000, Doug Hammond wrote:
>> I'm also interested in python-defined nodes, but for a different purpose:
>> external render engine material/texture setups.
>> In my case, the nodes themselves needn't even calculate anything in Blender,
>> they'd only need to serve as UI elements for material construction.
> Brett has used python defined nodes in this fashion for defining Ogre
> materials, http://pyppet.blogspot.com/2010/11/ogre-shader-nodes.html
> http://code.google.com/p/blender2ogre/wiki/ShaderNodes
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sn2Zhh72emk
>> Doug.
> ~Toni
>> On 3 March 2011 18:16, Tom Edwards<cont...@steamreview.org>  wrote:
>>> That sounds very interesting Xavier, but those jobs are already
>>> performed by the game engine's compiler in this case. I just need to
>>> generate a script for it to run.
>>> On 03/03/2011 5:39, Xavier Thomas wrote:
>>>> Hi Tom,
>>>> Hi would be interested in such a solution too.
>>>> Maybe youwill be interested in my current work also:
>>> http://code.google.com/p/gamekit/source/browse/branches/AnimKit/Dependencies/Source/GameKit/AnimKit/
>>>> It is a animation library designed to be similar to Havok animation or
>>>> playstation Edge. It's meant to be used by gamekit but is generic
>>>> enought and dependence free to be used by any project (and lisenced
>>>> without copyleft)
>>>> It is still under heavy development but already support:
>>>> Animating all you want to (including skeleton)
>>>> Animation blending (including additive)
>>>> SSE on Linux
>>>> I am planning on adding animation blend tree to it as soon as I finish
>>>> SSE on windows.
>>>> As Blender already serves as authoring tool for gamekit. I would be
>>>> verry interested in the possibility to edit animation blend tree in
>>>> Blender too.
>>>> Xavier
>>>> 2011/3/3 Tom Edwards<cont...@steamreview.org>:
>>>>> I'd like to create a new node graph type to define how an external game
>>>>> engine treats exports from a scene. Similar things exist already
>>>>> <http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y84/starwind168/AnimTree.jpg>.
>>>>> The bad news is that creating new node types is not currently possible
>>>>> with Python, and that the output I want is too esoteric to justify
>>>>> building into Blender itself.
>>>>> The good news is that my design is pure Python does not require anything
>>>>> outside the existing API: its output is a small script file, and all the
>>>>> heavy lifting is done by an existing external compiler. I could actually
>>>>> create it today, and the only missing element would be the visual aid of
>>>>> the node editor.
>>>>> My question, then, is how feasible supporting the definition of new
>>>>> node/graph types in Python is. We can already instance and modify
>>>>> existing ones...
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