This doesn't help IDE developers using msvc and xcode.

There is no message, just a crash.

On Wednesday, 30 March 2011, Campbell Barton <> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 6:12 AM, Benjamin Tolputt
> <> wrote:
>> On 30/03/2011 5:12 PM, Erwin Coumans wrote:
>>> i reported the same problem under Windows (cmake/msvc) on this list 
>>> recently.
>>> Why is an INSTALL target needed? I'm not installing Blender system wide.
>>> Can't we simply copy those files using something like below?
>> I'm interested in knowing the same thing. Whilst not a major hassle on
>> OSX (unless this is copying library files around my system - in which
>> case I strongly object!), I cannot understand why the old ability to
>> build Blender and have it "just work" has been deliberately removed.
>> It would be one thing if I were asking for something that didn't exist
>> before (given the change involves only a minor hassle) but, from what I
>> can tell, a previously better situation has been deliberately made
>> worse. What do we get in exchange for the added hassle?
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Benjamin Tolputt
>> Analyst Programmer
> For discussion on this topic & reasons why I made this change see:
> Since then, the docs have been updated to include this info and I
> added a message for *nix/osx after make finishes.
>   now run: "make install" to copy runtime files & scripts to
> /data/src/blender/cmake_debug/bin/2.56
> But IDE's all work differently I guess this message isn't visible on XCode?
> For people who just want a working build without the hassle to setup
> up a cmake out-of-source build and running 'make ; make install' Ive
> added a stub makefile which does this for you.
> Running "make" in blenders source dir does a cmake build in a similar
> way to how scons just works.
> --
> - Campbell
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