On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 4:33 PM, Ton Roosendaal <t...@blender.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> 1) 2.57
> - Startup.blend changes: discussed were two defaults:
> Continuous grab: disable as default factory setting. Reasoning: it's
> jerky on slow redraws, on fast mouse moves it's losing offset, on
> small areas annoying, on headers annoying too (move up or down).
> People who like it or already use if have in their startup anyway, but
> the regular bugreports about it show it's not a good default.

I wasn't at last nights meeting so reply on your points to remove.
- AFAIK Continuous grab being jerky is a OSX only bug (which I assume
could be fixed).
- fast mouse moves can be problematic though on my system I need to
purposefully thrash my mouse to give problems.
- disabled on headers, committed r35985. agree it was annoying.

There are 2 annoyances with it disabled.
1) Dragging a button to the right when the window is maximized often
hits the edge of the screen and you need to drag multiple times or
type the number in.
  This is more a problem in 2.5 because of vertical layout - Setting
the end frame to something over 1000 is an example of this.
2) On multi-monitor transforming with the mouse outside the view can
end up clicking on other windows.

Why not have 2 options:
  Continuous Grab: [Number Buttons] and [Window & Tools]
Then at least number buttons could be enabled by default.
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