Hello fellow coders,

I have just had the mixed blessing of doing another git-svn branching
from the 'particles-2010' svn branch i'm currently maintaining. Even
though i already work with git locally to make use of its much nicer
local staging and commit capabilities, the branching resulted in total
merge conflict and countless hours of mind-numbing merge work.

To cut to the chase, i reallly really want to work with git in the
future, SVN is just horrible when it comes to maintaining several
small "projects" in parallel. I tend to do a lot of branching with git
locally, even for simple bugfixes, which is a really nice way to work.
But it all goes haywire as soon as you try to work with remote
repositories again or transfer stuff between branches, as long as
there is no common base repository for git that defines unique sha1's
for svn commits. For this reason i will completely stop working on the
SVN branch in the future. Instead i will host public projects on
gitorious.org and only do trunk commits on SVN.

Last time this was discussed in the sunday meeting there was no real
opposition to the idea of moving to a better vcs, only the question
whether it would be git or mercury was left open. We can discuss this
again of course, but if we want to make a move, we should do so before
the actual coding for GSOC starts. Imo it would be a great help for
all participants, especially with the elaborate branch structure that
is planned.

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