Hi brecht, I am not a painter myself so I asked advice from David Revoy, who
made the initial request to LetteRip when he was asking for wishlist
features for this GSoC. We had a test session yesterday and it seems like
the behavior he thinks works correctly is the one outlined above (convert
user brush color to RGB, do math in linear RGB space, convert data to sRGB
and send for display). So indeed this looks like a color management issue.
I thought from reading
that this the way things are supposed to work anyway.

I am not sure whether different software works this way, to tell you the
truth I was not even aware of such issues until it was brought to my
attention. I will post a test request on blenderartists and see what
responses I get. I think it is important that there is sufficient knowledge
regarding color management status so that a conscious decision can be made
by the developers and the users are aware of the issues.
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