After some discussion yesterday, we came up with a plan for dynamically
adding lights while in the Blender Game Engine. The problem is the shader
code currently relies on Blender light objects, and recompiling it is too
slow to do frequently in the BGE.

So the plan is to create a user settable number of Blender lights and put
them into the blender scene during the conversion process. At this time the
shaders can be recompiled to so they include this pool of lights. From
there, whenever a Ketsji light is dynamically added, it can "borrow" one of
these Blender lights so it can affect the compiled shaders. These lights
will be distributed on a first come first served basis. When a Ketsji light
is done with a Blender light, the "borrowed" Blender light's energy can be
set to 0 to avoid affecting the scene.

When the engine is done running, it of course will remove these added
Blender lights.

I am sending this to the mailing list for review and feedback.

Daniel Stokes
Bf-committers mailing list

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