On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 1:04 AM, Campbell Barton <ideasma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 5:27 PM, Daniel Salazar - 3Developer.com
> <zan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I want to add the fantastic noise module to driver_namespace by
>> default. After all, what good is an expression without noise! This
>> module adds the next awesome functions:
>>          cell
>>          cell_vector
>>          distance_metrics
>>          fractal
>>          hetero_terrain
>>          hybrid_multi_fractal
>>          multi_fractal
>>          noise
>>          random
>>          random_unit_vector
>>          ridged_multi_fractal
>>          seed_set
>>          turbulence
>>          turbulence_vector
>>          types
>>          vector
>>          vl_vector
>>          voronoi
>> this + the math module + frame (both already there) = expressions
>> useful for everyday tasks!
>> Daniel Salazar
>> 3Developer.com
> I'm reluctant to import these directly because some of the names don't
> make a lot of sense on their own.
> - random: a python module
> - types: also a python module
> - seed_set: doesn't make sense to import this IMHO
> - vector: similar to mathutils.Vector
> - cell: not very meaningful on its own.
> Suggest we import noise but not its members, this way you have to type
> noise.random() rather than just random() but at least its clear whats
> being accessed.
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IIRC my original patch imported noise like is suggested, the code is
in there (from 2.4x) but commented out.

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