No comment on that!

This time it's not coding style, it's simply wrong code. At least 
elementary things like "Does my new modifer actually show buttons or 
not" should be checked before the merge!

Best regards,

Am 10.09.2011 00:47, schrieb Thomas Dinges:
> Revision: 40082
> Author:   dingto
> Date:     2011-09-09 22:47:26 +0000 (Fri, 09 Sep 2011)
> Log Message:
> -----------
> Fixing bugs after Recast&  Detour branch merge!!
> * The new NAVMESH Modifier did not show any buttons, console printed errors 
> instead!
> * Poll of "PHYSICS_PT_game_obstacles" panel caused errors as well, self 
> instead of cls was used as argument.
> * Check to show/hide buttons in "WORLD_PT_game_physics_obstacles" panel did 
> not worked due to wrong ENUM identifier ('None' instead if 'NONE')
> * Moved "SCENE_PT_navmesh" panel out of into the 
> where it belongs and renamed it. Also, don't use 
> abreviations in Panel Headers (Navmesh>  Navigaion Mesh)
> * Code cleanup, removed unnescecary code.
> * bpy.types.Panel>  Panel
> Modified Paths:
> --------------
>      trunk/blender/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/
>      trunk/blender/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/
>      trunk/blender/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/

Thomas Dinges
Blender Developer, Artist and Musician

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